Will you not this day claim afresh to be immersed and drenched in these waters of life? 今天你愿不愿意浸沉在生命的水里?
Now from the window we could see a grey sky, trees drenched in the rain; in such weather we could go nowhere, and there was nothing for us to do but to tell stories and to listen. 此时窗外的天空灰蒙蒙的,扫数的树木在雨中都湿透了,如许的气候我们哪儿都不能去,除了说故事年夜略聆听之外无事可做。
I hung up the phone, my clothes drenched in sweat. 我挂了电话,发现汗水已经湿透了衣服。
Hot out of the oven, these franks are drenched in cold salty water, to chill them in preparation for packaging. 热腾腾地出炉,这些牛肉热狗被浸泡在又冷又咸的水中,为了准备包装而冷却它们。
Some people insist on pizza drenched in tomato sauce, heaped with cured meats and oozing cheese. 有些人酷爱浸满番茄酱、堆满熏肉和淌着奶酪的披萨。
Drenched in the stark Atlantic sun, the coastline is dotted with historic forts. 沐浴在大西洋耀眼的阳光中,这片海岸线遍布着诸多历史悠久的古堡。
In 2011, the discovery of sprouts drenched in hormones, bleaching powder and preservatives in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, resulted in the arrests of 12 people. 2011年,相关部门发现辽宁省沈阳出现了被激素、漂白粉和防腐剂浸泡过的豆芽,12人因此被捕。
Mild Evening draws her thin empurpled veil! The night was drenched in warm soft darkness and she lay staring into it, dull as an ox. 温柔的夜晚把紫色的溥幕拉起!夜色黑沉沉,温暖而柔和,她侧身凝望着它,迟钝得像头耕牛。
Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are. 雨又开始下,从星星上缓缓落下,再一次淋湿我的伤口,我们成为真正的自己。
We were drenched in the storm. 我们让暴风雨浇成了落汤鸡。
I was drenched in sweat and shaking like a leaf. 我大汗淋漓浑身颤抖不已。
My heart is drenched in wine but you'll be on my mind forever. 我的心在浸湿在酒里,但你永远在我心中。
He was drenched in perspiration. 他浑身上下大汗淋漓。
It was raining and I was drenched when I got home. The rain set in so heavily, that in a few minutes I was wet to the skin. 天下着雨,我回到家时浑身湿透了。雨下得很大,只几分钟我就浑身湿透了。
Now spring and flowers fill the air with warmth and the whole city is drenched in sunshine once again. 春暖花开,和煦的阳光再次打在人们脸上。
Food in Egypt is hot and spicy, drenched in sauces. 埃及食物多辛辣,并要用酱汁浸透。
He got thoroughly drenched in the rain and, in consequence, he. 他在雨里淋得全身湿透,结果得了重感冒。
Thoroughly drenched and chilled, the two adventurers returned to their position in the gorse. 两个冒险家浑身湿漉漉地打着寒噤,回到原先金雀花丛那里。
He was drenched in or with sweat. 汗水使他全身湿透。
A generation drenched in hate. 一代人都被仇恨所浸染。
That is the signal for participants to hurl fruit at anything that moves and everybody gets drenched in the process. 之后,狂欢者便可以向任何移动的物体投掷番茄,而所有的人都将在这一狂欢中成为“落汤鸡”。
Not a hair of his head is injured, and his princely garments, though drenched in the sea-waves, look fresher than before. 他连一根头发都没有伤着。他那身王子的衣服虽然给海浪浸湿了,看上去倒比以前更华丽了。
Her long hair was drenched in sweat and her gown stuck to wet spots to her body. 她的头发被汗浸透了,她的寝衣湿得一块块粘在身上。
He hung up the phone, his body drenched in sweat. 他挂断电话,浑身浸透了汗水。
I was drenched in the storm. 我在暴风雨中淋得湿透。
But when the high-tech bombers got drenched during missions in the balkans, the tape used to fill seams in the composite skin often came loose. 但当该机在巴尔干半岛执行任务时,遭到雨淋后,用于填充复合材料外壳接缝的胶带往往会松脱。
It shows William Pitt expelling the dark forces of the Whigs and radicals, though in fact drenched in irony. 这幅画表现的是威廉皮特(williampitt)驱逐辉格党和激进分子黑暗力量的事件,尽管事实上作品充满了讽刺意味。
Methods: After being boiled in water, drenched and boiled in NaOH with different concentration, degreased by dimethylbenzene, bleached by hydrogen peroxide and immersed in paraffin, the hand and foot bones were stringed into specimen by tenuous copper threads. 方法:尸体手骨、足标本用水煮,经不同浓度的氢氧化钠溶液浸泡加浸煮、二甲苯脱脂、过氧化氢漂白、浸蜡,串制手骨、足骨标本。
When laying pipelines under road, railway, river and other obstructions, conventional drenched pipe burying method is hard in construction. 在公路、铁路、河流及其它障碍物下敷设地下管道时,采用常规的挖沟埋管法施工难度较大。
The common glass flake is producted with TiO2/ SiO2 flim by Liquid-phase Deposition ( LPD). After heat treatment, the flake is drenched in NaOH solution and the SiO2 is dissolved, then the porous TiO2 film is gotten. 采用液相沉积(LPD)法在普通玻璃基片上沉积TiO2/SiO2复合膜,热处理后在NaOH溶液中浸泡溶去SiO2制得TiO2多孔膜。